Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼Mmodule_ezmatmul | Wrapper for the BLAS ( part of LAPACK) *gemm routines that perform matrix-matrix multiplication. These subroutines compute the operation: C = alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta * C where op(A) and op(B) can be the transpose or the original matrices A and B . It validates the dimensions of the input matrices and provides default values for the scaling factors alpha and beta , as well as the transformation indicators transa and transb , if they are not supplied |
Cezmatmul | Wrapper for the BLAS ( part of LAPACK) *gemm routines that perform matrix-matrix multiplication. These subroutines compute the operation: C = alpha * op(A) * op(B) + beta * C where op(A) and op(B) can be the transpose or the original matrices A and B . It validates the dimensions of the input matrices and provides default values for the scaling factors alpha and beta , as well as the transformation indicators transa and transb , if they are not supplied |
▼Mmodule_random | Provides a generic interface for generating random complex numbers, integers, and characters |
Crandom_complex | Generic interface for generating random complex numbers |